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Kumite (kuːmiteɪ):

With hundreds of original characters and thousands of attributes, these highly detailed NFTs, from 24 different families of Angels, Goblins, Robots, Ninjas, Steampunks, Superheroes, Faeries, Monsters, and more will go into battle to decide the Masters of the Metaverse. | OpenSea | Etherscan | Tournament


With the desire to help onboard traditional comic fans into the world of web3, Kumite was created as HeroMaker’s flagship collection and first on-chain tournament. From the mind of comic legend, Gareb Shamus, artists created hundreds of unique characters to feed into our first of its kind art generator to create 9,600 original NFTs.

Each holder of a Kumite character was given voting access in the Kumite Tournament to determine the winners of each bracket. The first tournament saw over 100k votes and lead the charge for community driven narrative web3 projects.

One size does not fit all

With 9,600 NFT characters made up of more than 20,000 different art assets, Kumite was an exercise in large-scale generative art. The box art generators would support the complexity involved in both the metadata and the volume of assets. These small parts were fed into our custom art generator and sorted across 2-3 base body-types over 24 families.
