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SUPERPLASTIC: Headtripz (hɛdtrɪps):

Janky & Guggimon have decided to gobble up Yellow, Purple, and Rainbow PILLZ & TABZ to create super-rare tripped-out trans-dimensional NFTs.

Headtripz OpenSea | Pillz OpenSea |

Dropping tabz for fun and profit

Continuing their foray into the world of web3, SUPERPLASTIC launched their second generative collection, Headtripz. Upon consuming one of the airdropped or purchased Pillz or Tabz, the holder would be taken on a “Headtrip,” where they would see the face of God and receive a brand-new NFT — often one created in collaboration with a cast of celebrities including Paris Hilton, GUCCIGHOST, and OG Slick.

Contracts, Art and Partnerships

SUPERPLASTIC was able to bring a lot of their artist partners together to create some really trippy and original artwork for the project. We helped them create over 30,000 NFTs for the project including custom video work to make them even more trippy.

Additionally, we had to write some really complex smart contracts to meet the demands of the project including:

  • Airdropping yellow pillz to all existing Cryptojanky NFT holders

  • A custom Dutch auction accepting payment in ETH, SAND and REVV ERC-20 tokens

  • Upgrading and burning pillz to mint a Headtripz


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